Monday, March 01, 2010

Bo & Charlotte got Hitched!

It was a magical, wonderful wedding - everything came together better than hoped. It's not really a surprise that it was so awesome - it's not every bride that can put together a full-scale wedding (ceremony, dinner, reception party) for 120+ people on a shoestring budget in 8 weeks while 7 months pregnant, but if anyone can pull that off, it's Charlotte. As a highly organized and efficient person myself, I recognize superior organizing talent when I see it!

Of course weeks of planning always come down to just a few days of execution, and I'm exhausted after a full three days of full-bore wedding set up and take down. My pictures don't really capture much of what was involved (I was so busy I forgot to take pictures of most of it - oops) but everyone did a great job of pitching in and really showing Bo and Charlotte how much they mean to us by working our asses off, and then throwing down for a fabulous party. :)

Conan wore a delightfully dapper little suit with a disco-y silver vest that I got at the consignment store for $10. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of him in it! He had to change clothes halfway through the wedding due to an incident with a ripe cherry tomato, and then again into his jammies. Hopefully someone else got some pictures of him before he changed. I'll put up a picture later if I can. He thoroughly enjoyed the wedding, especially the balloons. He even got to bring one home!

Update: the suit. Oh yeah, Disco baby!

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